Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Review in 3:AM - The Lost and Left Behind " non-fiction, but not as we know it."

"With the unstoppable glut of pop-biology books arriving in time for Christmas (notably Do Ants Have Arseholes, currently dominating bestseller lists), it would be a wonderful jolt in popular opinion if The Lost and Left Behind were to feature as the must-have Christmas title. It’s fascinating, informative and quirky enough to knock its rivals off their perch; it’s also extremely relevant, bringing attention to a phenomenon that lives under the shadow of its more fashionable ethical peers. Books like this are rarer than the Madagascar Serpent Eagle, and we should do all we can to keep voices like Glavin’s alive."

A very kind review from 3:AM Magazine, a literary magazine based in Paris, London, and New Orleans. Er, mainly, anyway. Also Dublin, Cleveland, Manchester, Lincolnshire, and New York. 3AM is one of the best webzines I've ever come across. Right up there with Democratiya, but very different.


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