Friday, July 07, 2006

That's The Zionist-Controlled Media For You

For having written this, my Mossad paymasters at the Georgia Straight have allowed Rafeh Hulays to accuse me of failing to do even “some basic research before commenting on the Israel-Palestinian conflict,” and they have also made room for Carel Moiseiwitsch to assert that I am badly informed on the subject, and on the same page a certain Dan Blake describes the column I wrote about the Boycott-Israel rumpus as a “diatribe” against CUPE-Ontario for which I should be punished by being confined to writing about fish.

So when you think about it, it's pretty fair, considering.

I don’t know who Dan Blake is, but I gotta say, it’s funny being challenged on my research by the fact-challenged Rafeh Hulays. And no doubt Carel Moiseiwitsch would simply have been happier with me had I depicted Israelis the way she does.

I'm still unsure what I wrote, exactly, that was so objectionable, unless it was the important and relevant points I attributed to Dr. Michael Elterman of the Canada-Israel Committee.

Which reminds me.

Around the same time my column appeared, Dr. Elterman and Mark Weintraub wrote an important and enlightening essay in The Vancouver Sun, and you should read it, here.


Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

You are totally outed, Terry. Time to go underground, we'll find a fitting mission for you as a field agent. Otherwise you will be swamped by the harangues the likes of which are helpfully produced by the friend Dirk here.

4:00 AM  

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